Brothers and Sisters,

On behalf of our Local 4 team, I am pleased to share an important update about our elections with you all. As you may know, this cycle included opportunities for our members to seek office in IUOE Local 4 and to represent the Local as Delegates to the 40th International Convention. At our May Body Meeting, the entire slate of candidates was nominated and elected without opposition. For this reason, there will no longer be secret ballot elections taking place in August.

For a full list of Officers and Delegates to the 40th International Convention, as well as additional election information, please visit the Local 4 website.

As always, your participation in this process is essential to building the future of our Local Union. On behalf of my entire team, I am confident in conveying to you that we are positioned to succeed because of your input and engagement. Congratulations to all who were involved in this exciting election cycle!

William D. McLaughlin
Business Manager
Operating Engineers Local 4