Brothers and Sisters,

I wanted to take a moment to share an important reminder about voter registration. As always, taking an active part in elections is essential. By voting, you have an opportunity to help shape our future at the city, state and national level. This fundamental right should not be taken for granted, and I encourage you to register to vote if you have not done so already.

Click here to learn about registering to vote in Massachusetts or visit this link for information regarding Maine, New Hampshire, and other states.

Even if you believe you are registered, please take a moment to confirm this detail. Ensuring that our membership, friends, and families are registered will help us to fight for important initiatives throughout the legislative process. 

Our Operating Engineers have a long track record of advocating for legislation that supports workers and working families. I am deeply proud to represent a membership that is so committed to shaping a better future for our communities.

Voter registration is an extension of this commitment, and I urge you to check in with your friends and family members as well. Thank you in advance for your attention to this important democratic process. 

In solidarity,

William D. McLaughlin

Business Manager
Operating Engineers Local 4
International Trustee