Brothers and Sisters, 

As we enter the spring season, I hope you and your loved ones are well. On behalf of the Local 4 team, I am pleased to share some updates with you all.

I believe 2022 will be a busy year for all of us. Local 4’s members are hard at work on projects like Boynton Yards and Vineyard Wind, and there are many work prospects available in the coming months. In addition to these new projects, the election of officers to Local 4 and the IUOE General Convention Delegate Election will soon be underway. Our elections play a critical role in shaping the future of this union and I encourage you to make your voices heard and to cast your votes.

Watch the Business Manager’s Message below.

Thanks to all of you, our union is able to stay strong despite these still uncertain times. Your hard work and dedication allow Local 4 to give back to and help build a better future for our communities. I have no doubt that our union will continue to thrive this spring and beyond.

In Solidarity,

William D. McLaughlin
Business Manager
Operating Engineers Local 4